Academic Module
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Which diagram best illustrates the way ? 덧글 0 | 조회 2,910 | 2016-11-16 00:00:00

16. Which diagram best illustrates the way flowing water changes the shape of a stream? Write A. B, C, or D in the space provided.

Your answer _______

In the study of river geomorphology it is well known that the current has a great effect on changing the shape of a river. Whenever a current is pulling away from the side of a stream, sediment will tend to fill in and make the water more shallow. Where the current is pushing against a stream bank it will tend to grind, cut and pull the streambed apart. This results in constantly changing stream configurations.

Geomorphology: the study of the shape of the earth and physical features.
Current: the direction of flowing water.
Sediment: rocks and particles of earth that are mobile in water.



Answer: B

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