Part 3
자료실 > speaking > Part 3
Part3 - 6 덧글 0 | 조회 811 | 2016-12-20 00:00:00

1. Do you think there is too much pressure on you people at school these days?


Yes there is


In Korea, it is considered to be the best for students’ future to go to a top-tier university. This creates overly competitive environment, so, Korean students are forced to go to private academy after school. In worst cases, some Korean students give up their lives just because they failed to go on to a good university, which is very shameful. So as far as I am concerned, something needs to be done to take some pressure off of students.  

2. Do you think school and university prepares young people adequately for real life?


Yes, I do.


These days, schools provide a wide range of opportunities for students to prepare themselves after graduation. For example, students can participate in various types of summer internship or volunteering programmes. Through these experiences, students can make better choices when choosing their future career.

No, I don’t think so.

Korean schools are more focused on the academic aspect of education instead of providing practical knowledge. A lot of students are forced to study all day and every day without having some time to learn about real life. I believe this has side effect because when students are out in the real world, they will have to learn everything from scratch.

3. What is the difference between teaching the young and the elderly?

Well, off the top of my head, there are several differences. When it comes to physical education, young people can take intense activities like soccer or tennis. On the other hand, the elderly has less physical ability to carry out hard workouts. As for mental ability, young people are better at memorization and absorbing new information. On the contrary, older people generally have better understanding and broader perception. So it is necessary to take different approaches according to the students’ age.

4. Do you think there are age limitations to study?


Yes, I partially agree that there are age limitations.


Because there is an actual physical limit for certain activities when one gets older. For instance, physically-demanding activities such as basketball or football are not suitable for the elderly. Also, as you get older, your brain function for memory span shortens. So it is possible that you might not be able to memorize things as well as you used to.  However, it is also true that one could overcome these limits if they are really committed to learning.

No, I don’t think so.

‘Studying’ can be defined in so many ways. I believe you continue to learn throughout your life. No matter how old you are, you can always study and learn new things as long as you are passionate about it. 

- 제주도 유일한 off-line 아이엘츠 학원 -

  제주도 아이엘츠, 아이엘츠, ielts, speaking
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